Cyber Attacks: Heads Up Over The Holidays

Cyber Attacks: Heads Up Over The Holidays

During the holidays is when we see a spike in network attacks. Why is that? Most IT firms and businesses run a skeleton crew since a lot of staff need to use their PTO or just take off for the holiday. Hackers know this and have been planning on it most likely all...
RaaS — Ransomware’s Dark New Business Model

RaaS — Ransomware’s Dark New Business Model

Ransomware is an insidious and pervasive security threat that continues to evolve and grow in its efforts to profit from cyberattacks on businesses. The latest development in Ransomware’s evolution isn’t technology-based, but rather a new organizational business...
The Top 7 Password Mistakes

The Top 7 Password Mistakes

All of us are probably currently using passwords that hackers would love if they ran across them. If you use the internet at all, you have multiple passwords to juggle. And, whether it’s business or personal, it’s easy to get lazy, develop bad habits, or fall into the...