The Onboarding Process

So what does starting up with a new IT partner look like?


Whether you’re hiring an MSP for the first time, changing from one MSP to another, or adding on an MSP to supplement your own IT staff, change of any kind can often be a little intimidating.

That’s why we do everything we can to make the changes you’re making as comfortable, seamless, and efficient as possible. We make onboarding easy.


Ready to make a change? We’ll work with you and your current MSP to make it as smooth as possible.

1. Determine your timeframe.

If you’re currently using an MSP, chances are you have some sort of service agreement or contract in place. Check to see what the cancellation terms and procedures are. Typically it’s on an annual or a monthly basis and some sort of notice is requested to terminate. Decide when the best time is to make your change. Or, if there is no contract holding you up, are your ready to move forward now?


2. Communicate your decision.

Let us know your desired schedule is for making the move. Contact your current MSP and let them know you’re going to make a change.

3. Give us the contact information for your current MSP.

Once you’ve had a chance to talk to your current provider, we’ll contact them and coordinate the details of making the switch…transferring licenses, getting third party vendor contact information, moving over your email, securing passwords, etc. We’ll take care of every single detail.


4. Set up an onboarding appointment.

We’ll coordinate with you to get everything set up and connected on your end, install whatever equipment we may need to install, and train you on whatever you need to know with the new framework.

Here’s a typical onboarding checklist we use for new clients to give you an idea of what to expect.

Welcome to wedoIT!  Here are the next steps we’ll be taking to onboard you as a new client:

___ 1.  Contact you to set up 10 to 15-minute phone call to go over next steps and verify your basic account information.

___ 2.  Finalize actual number of users, main contacts, start dates, current IT vendor contact information (if applicable), and so on.

___ 3.  Send contract via PandaDoc to review and electronically sign. If you have any questions or would like any revisions, let us know and we’ll discuss until things are finalized. Once the contract is finalized, electronically sign and return it to us.

___ 4.  Our accounting department will contact you to discuss invoice payment options and set up your account in our system.

___ 5.  Get a list from you of all employees/users that we will be supporting, with contact information, phone numbers, etc., for each.

___ 6.  Work with your current IT vendor to begin the process of transferring your network passwords and getting access to all third-party applications currently in use.

___ 7.  Request Global Admin privileges for your Microsoft 365 account and move licensing over to wedoIT.

___ 8.  Verify access to your domain name(s) and DNS records.

___ 9.  Migrate to wedoIT email security gateway and email filter.

___ 10.  Schedule an initial on-site visit to begin your onboarding process.

___ 11.  During onsite visit, install monitoring tools and test all passwords provided by your current IT vendor. Change all passwords and document your entire network.

___ 12.  While onsite, resolve any pressing issues and discuss hot button needs. Review general expectations and document all contact information for each staff member.

___ 13.  After all tools are installed, review all data collected and resolve issues in order of severity.

___ 14.  Implement wedoIT onsite/offsite backups with ransomware detection.

___ 15.  Schedule meeting to discuss findings during the onboarding. Schedule monthly meetings and company training sessions.


Rest easy. Everything we do is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

We’re so confident you’re going to love our services, we guarantee them. The IT business is essentially a service business, but unlike many service businesses there are a lot of situations and issues that are difficult to understand and expectations can get mis-aligned. We do everything in our power to make sure the service we deliver is better than you expected and the results make a positive impact on your business. If there are ever any things you are not completely happy with, we will do whatever it takes to make things right. We don’t want to just fix your tech. We want to delight you. That’s why everything we do is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.


What does YOUR business need from a new IT partner?

What do you need when making the switch from one MSP to another, or starting up with an MSP for the first time? What are your issues? Concerns? Questions? We’ll work with you every step of the way to make the experience a great one.